A Few Unique Plus Traditional Uses For Silver Colloid
For information and educational purposes only, not medical advice Copyright @ 1995/1998 Robert C. Beck. Revision 28 February 1997
When you control a source of penny-per-gallon make-it-yourself silver colloid (see how to below) you can use it for hundreds of health improvement applications. A few are suggested here. You can use most purified water to make colloid for industrial and external uses but distilled or de-ionised water should be used for internal applications.
Add to suspect drinking water when travelling or camping. Colloid sprayed burns heal rapidly without scarring. Safely sterilise anything from toothbrushes to surgical instruments. Use topically on cuts, wounds, abrasion, rashes, sunburn, razor nicks, bandages. Spray on garbage to prevent decay odours. Mist kitchen sponges, towels, cutting boards to eliminate E. Coli and salmonella bacteria to prevent food poisoning, gastrointestinal inflammation, and genital tract infections.
Add when canning, preserving, bottling. Use like peroxide on zits and acne. Add to juices. Milk will delay spoiling, fermenting, deteriorating, clabbering or curdling. Spray in shoes, between toes, between legs to stop most skin itch, athlete's foot, fungi, jock itch. Diminish dandruff, psoriasis, skin rashes, etc. Add to bath water, gargle, douches, colon irrigation, nasal spray and dental water-pic solutions. Cuts downtime dramatically with colds, flu, pneumonia, staph, strep, respiratory infections and rhino viruses. Skin itch, eye and ear infections, some moles and warts vanish when colloid is sprayed on body after bathing. Use with Q-tip on fingernail, toenail, and ear fungi. Neutralise tooth decay and bad breath. Colloid stops halitosis by eliminating bacteria deep in throat and on back of tongue. Unlike pharmaceutical antibiotics, silver colloid never permits strain resistant pathogens to evolve.
Put a few drops on Band-Aids and bandages to shorten healing times. Health professionals might consider IV and IM injections. Toothaches, mouth sores, bacterial irritations are diminished. Soak dentures. Spray refrigerator, freezer, and food storage bin interiors. Stop mildew and wood rot. Mix in postage stamp, envelope and tape moistening wells, paint and paste pots to prevent bacterial growth, doors, spoiling or souring. Add to water based paints, wallpaper paste, dishwater, cleaning and mopping solutions, etc. Spray pet bedding and let dry. Spray on top of contents of opened jam, jelly, and condiment containers and inside lids before replacing. Mix a little in pet water, birdbaths, cut flower vases. Always add to swamp cooler water. Spray air conditioner filters after cleaning. Swab air ducts and vents to prevent breeding sites for germs. Use routinely in laundry final rinse water and always before packing away seasonal clothes. Damp clothes or towels and wash cloths will not sour or mildew. Eliminate unwanted micro organisms in planter soils and hydroponics systems. Spray plant foliage to stop fungi, moulds, rot and most plant diseases.
Treat pools, fountains, humidifiers, Jacuzzis, hot tubs, baths, dishwashers, recirculating cooling tower water, gymnasium foot dips, and bath and shower mats. Spray watch bands and gloves and under fingernails periodically. Treat shower stalls, tubs, fonts, animal watering troughs, shavers to avoid trading germs. Rinse fruit and vegetables before storing or using. Put in cooking water. Human and animal shampoos become disinfectants. Prevent carpets, drapes, wallpaper from mildewing. Wipe telephone mouthpieces, pipe stems, headphones, hearing aids, eyeglass frames, hairbrushes, combs, loofas. Excellent for diapers and diaper rash.
Do toilet seats, bowls, tile floors, sinks, urinals, doorknobs. Kill persistent odors. Rinse invalid's pillowcases, sheets, towels and bedclothes.
There are literally thousands of other essential uses for this ridiculously inexpensive, odourless, tasteless, colourless, totally benign and easily produced powerful non-toxic disinfectant and

Making Colloidal Silver
This paper describes an easy way for anyone to make his own for only a small fraction of a penny. It seems ridiculous to buy it for high prices. You can now afford to use colloids universally, such as in laundry water for sterilisation, as a disinfectant spray, rinse for fruit and vegetables, fungicide, bactericide, plant spray, pet health assurance, and hundreds of other applications. Side effects or overdosing are claimed unknown, and resistant strains of disease-causing pathogens never develop. Most users ingest lactobacillus acidophilus, bulgaricus, yogurt, etc. to replenish friendly intestinal flora.
The preferred method for making ionic/colloidal silver is to heat the water. Bring 2 cups of distilled water to the boil in a non-metal container. Cover the silver wires about 75% and let the unit run for 15 to 20 minutes to produce 3 to 5 ppm. Overdosing with any amount is considered unlikely for electrically produced ionic/colloidal silver, but silver PROTEINS can be harmful, toxic, and stain skin (Argyria).
Clean electrode wires after each use to remove dark oxide occurring on anode because the oxygen (produced electrolytically) oxidizes silver. Use the small scouring pad to polish the silver wires, then wipe with paper napkin to make silver ready for next use. A fresh set of 3 alkaline batteries will make hundreds of 8 oz. batches of three-minute silver colloid before battery replacement becomes necessary. Periodically check batteries by momentarily short-circuiting tips of alligator clips together to observe whiteness and intensity of light. When bulb appears significantly dimmer or looks yellowish after time, replace all three alkaline batteries. Pry snap connectors off, tape 3 new cells together, and replace snap-on clips. Be very careful not to crush or damage the fragile little in-series lamp.
Store in a dark brown container. KEEP AWAY FROM LIGHT as even room light will degrade colloids rapidly by turning solution gray or black just as exposure to light darkens the silver in camera film. Light can also neutralise positive charges on silver ions that help keep particles in suspension. Keep colloids cool but do not refrigerate or let freeze.
After evaluating many different instruments and methods, this paper describes what is easily the best performing, least expensive, simplest and most convenient method for producing good quality silver colloids presently disclosed. It has been fully tested and found to work much better than expensive, dangerous and complex devices. However it does not work with metals such as gold, which require much longer times. This stand alone appliance works all by itself, and never requires high voltage, ignition coils, transformers, underwater sparking, or "plugging in." It goes in your pocket and will work anywhere. It is essential for sterilising local drinking water when travelling. (See accompanying suggested uses.) You can make any desired concentration in parts per million by electrolysing at higher temperatures. There is no heat or waste, and it cannot shock you. Filtering is generally unnecessary. Don't add preservatives, minerals, EDTA, proteins, gelatine, colouring (some makers add yellow dye to make it appear "golden" and even honey to slow precipitation), or any other substances. If purchased at market prices, commercial colloids could cost up to $60 for 8 oz. of generally vastly inferior products. Some available colloids on today's market when evaluated prove to be practically worthless. (At a recent health expo, in my opinion, out of eight brands tested only two were found to be adequate in quality, suspension and concentration. Many contained additives such as EDTA, colouring and gelatine for suspension.)
Make and store colloids only in electrically non-conductive containers such as dark brown glass, never in metal. Suggested adult dosage of ionic/colloidal silver can be one to several oz. solution straight or added to 6 to 8 oz. of water taken not more than three times in 24 hours. Consult your health professional. An 8 ounce glass may be ingested directly with no harm or side effects according to some sources.
The following articles are by Mark Metcalf and discuss home made Colloidal Silver
Reprinted from Perceptions, May/june 1996 HEALING SPIRAL .--
Banishing Disease With 3 Nine Volt Batteries
Part Two: Homemade Colloidal Silver Vindicated
by Mark Metcalf
WE USED TO think, and some still do, that life came from a chemical soup. Now we know that unless there is an electrical charge there is no life. Life, then, is electrical. And when electrical systems go, although the chemistry is still there, the life does not exist.
-Dr. Valerie Hunt, prof Emeritus, Dept. of Physiological Sciences, UCLA
In a past issue (Nov/Dec 1995) 1 wrote of a "hospital" that was safer than and in many ways superior to all others in its ability to promote wellness. This "hospital" was essentially cost-free to operate and portable as a deck of cards. The hospital I wrote of was a colloidal silver generator. With it you can make virtually unlimited amounts of the highest quality colloidal silver for the price of water.
Currently, we the people of the United States are spending $3,700 per person per year to treat our diseases-the highest amount in the world. Ironically, our health problems are getting worse. Absurd as it may seem, the third leading cause of disease and death in the United States is now infectious disease. These deaths are completely preventable.
With the simple act of wiring together three 9-volt batteries, something very profound begins to happen: Ordinary people are able not only to heal themselves, but find themselves endowed with the power to heal others and to protect the health of entire communities. These everyday people find their new found power even encompasses the ability to heal animals, plants and trees. They're also able to grow more nutritious food and to store food for longer periods of time.
The multi-billion dollar managed care of "incurable diseases" industry begins to crumble. The deadly, mutagenic vaccine industry begin to crumble. The cold-and-flu industry which buys all those primetime TV ads begins to crumble. Don't expect these industries to take their loss of power lying down.
These cartels will do their best to frighten people away from making it themselves, sometimes buying off colloidal-silver manufacturers act as the cartel's agents. These cartels can also be expected to aggressively market their own substitute products, just as they did with antibiotics in the 1940's when colloidal silver was originally suppressed.
One of the most effective flimflam ploys is to trot out an "expert' who confirms that the product he or she is selling is absolutely essential for your well-being. This "authority" will go on to mention that in the course of their studies of competing products they discovered that these competing products will very likely cause you harm. Actually, the expert is used as a shill to usurp your freedom of choice and dictate what you should regard as "health" and health-promoting practices. Similar ploys have been used by colloidal-silver manufacturers which has resulted in confusion and fear among those most interested in using silver. We can best avoid manipulation by coming to a deeper understanding about different types of colloidal silver, production methods, issues of safety and usefulness.
First some basics. A colloid consists of minute particles that float within a liquid despite the pull of gravity. To stay in suspension for any length of time, these particles must be smaller than I micron (1/1000 of an inch). When fresh produce is processed through a juicer, a colloid results in the form of a glass of juice. Drinking fresh juices makes it possible to consume far more nutrients than by eating. Because juice is considered a predigested food, the body can process large amounts with minimal effort and correspondingly better health results. As a juice colloid sits, the larger particles begin to fallout of suspension and settle to the bottom of the container. To evenly redistribute the contents, it is common to shake up a bottle of juice before drinking.
In the case of colloidal silver, silver particles are pulled off a pure silver electrode that is immersed in water by applying a low-voltage electric current giving each particle an electric charge. This charge, though long lasting, is not permanent, and both daylight and time will cause a colloid to lose its charge. This loss is referred to as “.falling out” or “plating out”
Note, while colloidal silver is light sensitive, it is not nearly so light sensitive as camera film. If taken to the beach under midday California summer sun, colloidal silver can be expected to oxidise in about 10 minutes. Indoors, under ambient and artificial light, this would take about three days. This only means that colloidal silver should be stored in tinted or opaque containers.
Many colloidal-silver manufacturers claim that if the silver particles are "too large," the resulting brew will be injurious to the public health. The truth can be found in many science textbooks. When current is applied to silver in solution, metallic silver will always be the same size, 1.26 angstroms (0.0001 microns): This particle is so small that the next stop on the road to smallness is the atom itself.
Colloids are by nature the smallest particles matter can be divided into while still retaining individual characteristics. Reducing a piece of metallic silver into a cloud of microscopic particles greatly extends its total surface area, and its healing properties, while deepening penetration into the body..
Because the silver particles are charged, they strive to com- bine with other elements. Trace elements exist even in distilled water, and when the charged silver particles combine with a specific trace element, the solution can turn one of a number of colours, like gray, yellow, green or brown. The element the silver chooses is largely irrelevant: Once in the body, the silver releases its bond in search of stronger attachments in order to stabilise its charge. Therefore, as the silver colloid enters the body, the original silver particles (about the size of 15 atoms) quickly pass through the stomach lining and into the blood stream where they circulate for about a week before elimination.
Yellow Colloidal Silver
Yellow colloidal silver is favoured by most manufacturers, not because it is more effective than other types, but because it has a longer shelf life. This stability in solution does not auto matically translate into smaller combined-particle size of the silver ion and the trace element. Some trace elements are simply more water soluble than others. Either way, particle size is a moot point: Freshness and density (parts per million, or ppm), not colour, determine effectiveness.
A disadvantage of the yellow colloidal silver is its bitter taste-unlike the silver-coloured one. Also, the yellow solution is more difficult to make. When using a 27 -volt generator, it is helpful to reduce the water volume to shorten the much- longer activation time the yellow solution requires. I could find no medical evidence that a yellow colloid is more effective than a silver one. Of course, you can create both for yourself and compare their effects.
To make the yellow solution, use a tall, narrow glass with 6 to 8 ounces of distilled water. Use no saline solution. The water will not gain conductivity as it does when a saline solution is added, so the process will take about 45 minutes. It will produce a concentration of approximately 10 ppm. Keep an eye on the colour of your solution, or it will eventually turn murky brown and then black. If this happens, just throw it out and start over.
How To Make High-concentration Solutions High-concentration solutions cannot be made by simply extending the process time.
As more silver ions travel through the water, the conductivity increases which begins to alter the process. The result is a time limit of about 15 minutes when using distilled water plus saline solution at room temperature.
To create high concentrations of sliver, simply heat The water. For every 10 degrees that the water rises above Room temperature (72 degrees), the ppm figure doubles: If 5 ppn resulted after seven minutes of activation with 16 ounces 0 water at 72 degrees, 82 degrees would yield 10 ppm, 9 degrees would deliver 20 ppm, etc.
You should not boil the water, but you will find plenty of leeway between 72 and 212 degrees (boiling). Also, do not use a teapot because of its calcified residue. A cleaner pot, like a stainless steel, ceramic or glass one used for cooking, will work fine. Then pour the Warm/hot water into a glass.
Zero Toxicity
The body's ability to process the tiny atoms of colloidal Silver makes silver build-up in the body impossible. The Environmental Protection Agency's Poison Control Centre reports a "No Toxicity“ listing for colloidal silver. In fact, it appears that harmlessness is one of the attributes of the colloidal state, regardless of content. For example, examining a bottle of colloidal minerals from a local health food store, I noticed arsenic, nickel and lead among the 65 trace minerals on the ingredients list: If the particles are small enough, you can even drink arsenic!
Since the body has a vital need for silver to maintain the immune system and to produce new, healthy cells-and since our blood is also a colloid, the harmonious way in which col- loids enter the body may well make colloidal silver the safest medicine on earth.
Just to prove a point to myself, I made a 16-ounce solution of well over 250 ppm and drank it. I repeated this procedure four days in a row, daily ingesting at least the equivalent of 50 16-ounce glasses of a 5-ppm solution! I did not eat yogurt or acidophilus or compensate for friendly bacteria loss in any way. The only side effect was that I seemed to feel better!
According to pharmacist Ron Barnes, R.Ph. (Capitol Drugs, Los Angeles), this makes sense because:
Many strains of pathogenic microbes-viruses, fungi, bacteria or any other single-celled pathogen-resistant to other antibiotics are killed on contact by colloidal silver and are unable to mutate. However, it does not harm tissue-ce// enzymes or friendly bacteria.
A Rejuvenating Elixir
My next experiment was a little different. I cut two flowers in the back yard and left one on a shelf without water for 24 hours. When I picked it up the next day it was completely limp. I made a fresh cut at the bottom of the stem and placed it in a glass of high-concentrate colloidal silver. Each day it got better. By the third day, the stem had become firm again, as if it had just been cut. Not a single petal was lost.
I had placed the second flower into ordinary water immediately. By the third day, many of its petals had fallen; though it had been in water from the start it was already dying.
It seems that something in silver is tied to the very core of the life process itself. Dr. Robert 0. Becker, MD, agrees. Writing about his experience with older patients, the noted biomedical researcher from Syracuse University and author of The Body Electric and Cross Currents said:
Silver did more than kill disease causing organisms. It promoted major growth of bone and accelerated the healing of injured tissues by over 50 percent.
He also discovered that silver "profoundly stimulates healing in skin and other soft tissues in a way unlike any known natural process. .." and that it promotes a new kind of cell growth which looks like the cells of children!
These cells grew fast, producing a diverse and surprising assortment of primitive cell forms able to multiply at a great rate, then differentiate into the specific cells of an organ or tissue that had been injured, even in patients over 50 years old.
A Broad-spectrum Remedy
The healing properties of silver are so wide ranging that we see researchers expressing amazement time and time again. Alfred Searle, founder of the pharmaceutical conglomerate, wrote in 1919:
Applying colloidal silver to human subjects has been done in a large number of cases with astonishingly successful results. For internal administration, orally or hypodermically, it has the advantage of being rapidly fatal to parasites without toxic action on its host. It is quite stable. It protects rabbits from ten times the lethal dose of tetanus or diphtheria toxin.'I received a call from a man with a Ph.D. in computer science who had read my original article, made some colloidal silver and applied it with a dropper to a chronic eye infection. He said the infection went away almost immediately. In passing he mentioned that the solution also got rid of the plaque on his teeth. I had been wondering what happened to the plaque on my own teeth but had not put the two together.
The power of silver still reigns worldwide in many modern-day applications: Physicians use silver compounds in 70 percent of all the burn centres in the United States, while British Airways, Swissair, Scandinavian Airlines, Lufthansa, Olympic, Air France, Canadian Pacific Airlines, Alitalia, KLM, Japan Airlines and Pan Am all rely on silver-process water filters to curtail waterborne diseases. NASA uses a silver water-purification system on the space shuttle as do the Soviets. Japanese firms even remove cyanide and nitric oxide from the air with silver.
So, how do you frighten people away from the safest medicine on earth? You tell them that the bogeyman will get them. If they're too sophisticated for that, tell them they will get a Strange, archaic disease like argyria. Actually, there is no record of anyone ever contracting argyria from colloidal silver made by the electrolyric method.
(Argyria is a harmless and infrequent cosmetic condition in which some body parts take on a slight bluish cast due to the presence of chemical compounds of which silver is only a component. It did not seem to bother the royal, "blue-blood" families of Europe, who stayed healthy through the plagues of the Middle Ages by ingesting large amounts of silver.)
Surviving With Colloidal Silver
Were I to end up in the midst of a calamity, I would need only water to have one of the most powerful medical resources in the world at my disposal. (Technically, colloidal silver can be made in a variety of common liquids, including beer and soup, but I'm not recommending anyone do this in the normal course of events.)
In a remarkable clinical trial with 14 elderly patients, Dr. Becker inserted a pair of silver electrode 'Wires directly into each wound, using the body's own juices as the liquid solution and applying current to the external ends. (The voltage one uses is so low it produces no sensation.) With this technique, he was able to heal infections inside broken bones-one of the hardest types to control-and to mend previously unhealing fractures and breaks.
In some cases he left the silver surgically implanted in the body. In others, he sewed the wound up around the protruding electrode. Once the wound had healed, "The implanted silver 'Wire was easily withdrawn from the wound manually without the need for surgery or anaesthesia."
Regarding the ability of metallic silver to control infection, he said, "All of the organisms that we tested were sensitive to the electrically generated silver ion, including some that were resistant to all known antibiotics." Concerning the safety of inserting it into the body, he added: "In no case were any undesirable side effects of the silver treatment apparent.."
Under emergency conditions it would be good to remember that U.S. silver coins from 1964 and earlier contain 90 percent silver, nine percent copper and one per- cent zinc, all of which are known to have beneficial properties if used in a colloidal state. Just scour the coins until they are clean and shiny. (1 mention this purely as an intellectual consideration and not to recommend that anyone undertake such an action under normal conditions. Silver wire is much easier to use.)
What Doesn't Colloidal Silver Do?
It does not interact with any other medications or upset the stomach; in fact, it is a digestive aid. It does not sting the eyes. Medical-journal reports and documented studies spanning the past hundred years indicate no known side effects what-so-ever from oral or intravenous administration of colloidal silver in animal or human testing. It has been used with good results under the most demanding health care circumstances!
Without overstating the case, it may be time to recognise colloidal silver as not only the safest medicine on Earth, but also the most powerful !
I. "Plating out! occurs when the metallic particles of a colloid fallout of suspension by either attaching themselves to the sides of the container or simply settling to the bottom. This creates two problems: First, when the solution is ingested, less silver enters the body because some remains attached to the container. Second, silver particles entering the body with no electrical charge will have more difficulty penetrating the stomach wall and attaching themselves to the cells of the body. Many plastic containers store electrical charge which can cause plating out, so nonreactive plastic containers, such as hydro gen peroxide bottles or tinted glass bottles, should be used instead.
2. CRC Handbook of Chemistry and physics, 56th edition, 1975-76, page F209.
3. "Use of Colloids in Health and Disease." Dr. Henry Crooks found that silver in the colloidal state is highly germicidal, quite harmless to humans and absolutely non toxic. In its colloidal state, silver may be applied in a much more concentrated form with correspondingly better results than in a chemical compound.
4. Never use aluminium cookware for this or any other purpose, however. The particles given off during cooking are highly poisonous, and such cookware should be banned from your kitchen.
S. Ameriflax (brand) "minerALL 72” colloidal minerals product contains seven major and 65 trace minerals including arsenic, nickel, lead and iodine.
6. Creative Health, Capitol Drugs, Vol. 41 No. I, Winter '95-'96, p.l.
7. Becker, Treatment of Orthopaedic Infections with Electrically Generated Silver lons. The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, American Volume, October 1978, Vol. 60-A, No.7.
8. "Colloidal Preparations of Silver in Pharmacy," British Medical Journal.
9. After extensive studies, Sir Malcolm Morris concluded, "Colloidal silver is free from the drawbacks of other preparations of silver, viz. the pain caused and the discolouration of the skin; indeed, instead of producing irritation it has a distinctly soothing effect”.
10, Becker, op. cit: "To qualify for this study, patients had to have a long-standing infection involving bone and to have had standard treatment with antibiotics and wound care without success,”
11. '"Silver aids the developing foetus in growth, health, and eases the delivery and recovery” (from "Report: Colloidal Silver," Health Consciousness, Voi. 15, No.4).
We make and sell simple battery powered Colloidal Generators using Bob Beck's original design. They are a practical, affordable and easy to use.
email info@anaheart.com for details. Proudly Australian made by Anaheart.
Here is a remarkable video of Bob Beck a must watch for anybody interested in looking after their own health.
New Book Recommends Silver Generators

Matthew Stein, author of When Technology Fails, suggested that people obtain a colloidal silver generator, as a solution made from this can successfully kill pathogens, and is like having a "pharmacy in a jar.
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All information on this site is for information and educational purposes only, not medical advice .
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